- (varies wildly) $200 to $750 - Personal: Allowance, Poker, Education, Vacation, Subscriptions and Dues, Gifts, Other Entertainment, Misc.
- $495 - Utilities: Gas, Electricity, Cable, Internet, Water, Cell Phone
- $300 - Food: Groceries, Restaurants, Fast Food
- $35 - Debt: Finance Charges, Debt Reduction Payments
- $0 - Misc: Savings, Other
Detailed assessment of each area:
- Personal
- Poker: Can come out of my allowance, instead of the household budget. It usually does now, but that's not as firm as it should be.
- Subscriptions & Dues: I canceled my GameFly subscription just now. That's $25/month saved. Yay!
- Other Entertainment: This should also come ONLY out of my allowance from now on.
- Vacation: I have to pay the timeshare every other year, but I can be careful about additional vacation expenses. We don't currently have any planned, but this is an area I can watch and be careful with.
- Utilities
- Water: This is one of my biggest. I'm using a ton of water somehow.
- See if sprinkler system is in winter mode. Adjust sprinkler times if necessary.
- Check if rear toilet is leaking
- Make sure water level in washer is appropriate to load size
- Do not run water while brushing teeth.
- Gas: I'm definitely using the heater a lot
- Reduce daytime temperature in house
- Reduce after-bed termperature in house
- Check for drafts and see if I can fix any
- Electricity
- Turn off lights when not in room
- Turn off various ceiling fans
- Consider putting computer on timer rather than running constantly
- Shut off air purifier
- Unplug various unused AC items
- Cable & Internet
- Call and see if they'll reduce my rates at all
- Cell Phone: This is entirely out of hand
- Go through bill with fine-tooth comb and see what can be done here.
- Food - I've already cut out fast food and restaurants. And I'm having trouble staying within $300 as it is. I think I'll leave this one alone for now and instead set the following goals:
- Make reasonable menus, including plans to eat frozen meals
- Reduce waste
- Start incorporating pantry into menu
- Revisit this area each month to see if additional improvements can be made yet.
- Debt
- I think this one is about the best it can be for now. All interest rates are low at the moment, and I can't afford to make faster/higher/more payments yet.
- Misc.
- Nothing I can do with this for now. Will revisit each month
Changes made:
Cancelled Gamefly
Realized Savings from last month::
$0 - Just starting
Additional proposed savings for next month:
$25 - Gamefly
$25 - Utilities(starting small)
$50 - Total Proposed Savings
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